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Field trip to Vestas's IT organization in Manila.

We are four students: Jesper Larsen and Tue Lassen (Bachelors in political science) & Claus Laustsen and Rasmus Knap (Bachelors in IT) from Aalborg university, who are currently studying IT management as our Master.

As a part of our 9th semester we are writing two scientific papers in collaboration with Vestas. Furthermore an aspect of our 9th semester has been concerning sourcing strategies and project management. Therefore it is relevant for us to visit Vestas's IT organization in Manila. Besides Vestas we are going to visit two other offshored IT-organizations, NNIT and Excitor.

The papers are as mentioned being composed in cooperation with Vestas which offshored a part of their IT organization to Manila back in 2008. The papers concern the following:

1. How has Vestas IT-organization developed their IT-capabilities and structure over time in the efforts to become a strategic (trusted) partner to the business.

2. To describe and define the IT middle managers role in the IT organization.

The purpose of our trip is to collect data for the two papers and in general learn about and experience the practical aspects of offshoring. We are thereby gaining practical knowledge regarding the challenges IT organizations face when they offshore parts of the IT function, that we can compare to the theoretical literature we have been presented to in class.

We consider this a unique chance to explore the different processes in an offshore organization and learn how leadership and management can be performed.

The purpose of this blog is to summarize and reflect upon the experiences gained from visiting three offshored IT organizations.

Ready to go to Manila? Not quite - the economical aspect

As a student everybody knows that one is on a tight budget and consequently we needed resources to cover parts of our expenses. We therefore have petitioned different funds which have responded positively. The realization of the trip became imminent once the petitions were accept, which was a great relief for all of us.

The blog will be updated regularly and pictures will be shared as well.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Who's the bigger issue?

The traffic always jams when it's raining, because everyone grabs a taxi home.
Working at the office with a view of Manila in the background
We spent the afternoon interviewing two of the managers at Vestas. What we learned from today’s interviews was that even though the hub was established rather short time ago, its employees are experienced, passionate and hardworking. From what we’ve learned from courses, and literature in general concerning establishment of departments in Asia, it is challenging to hire competent employees without a prestigious brand as employer. Here at Vestas it seems like it’s been a great success.

We have experienced some strategic awareness, also conflicting with some of the western prejudices. We see potential for not only outsourcing operations and development, but also strategic functions. It is also interesting to see how the managers in Manila had adopted the corporate visions and used them in understanding their work. One could think that the Manila hub would be an isolated “island”, but due to the matrix organization the Filipinos still have strong connections to rest of the organization.
The attrition rate is a common issue when outsourcing because money typically is the primary concern in the countries where outsourcing usually occur. The Manila hub has managed to keep down the attrition rate at a surprisingly low level. This might be because of the competition to attract competent employees still isn’t that bad in Manila.

In our courses in project management we have learned about three important parameters of concern when outsourcing: communication, time zones and culture. By interviewing managers in Manila we have learned that the greatest challenges are communication and time zone differences. The cultural difficulties have not been subjects for concern for the managers to the same degree as we have experienced in Denmark. They believe cultural issues are overcome by professionalism, and is therefore not a big issue in their everyday work life. Maybe our culture, or lack of understanding of the Asian culture, is the bigger challenge of the two. Here in the Philippines the employees have had courses in the western culture, how to interact and how the stereotypical Dane differs from the corresponding Filipino. Just some food for thought…

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